MCSA: 70-698 Installing and Configuring Windows 10
This instructor-led course provides IT professionals with the knowledge and skills required to install and configure Windows 10 desktops in a Windows Server small to medium-sized AD DS domain environment. These skills include learning how to install and customize Windows 10 operating systems and apps, configure local and remote network connectivity, and configure local and online storage. Students also will learn how to configure security in addition to how to maintain, update, and recover Windows 10
Experience deploying and configuring Windows 8, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10.
Experience deploying and configuring Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2016 Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS).
Experience deploying and configuring network services, including DNS, in Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2016.
Windows Client essentials, such as a working knowledge of Windows 8.1, Windows 8, or Windows 7.
Exam Details
Exam Pass Guarantee
At Microtrain we are committed to your success! Let us show you the return you get from great tech training. We will personally guarantee that if you take our class and follow our program you will be successfully certified!
Raves & Praise
Scott Wilson - Team Bradley
Employer Partner Feedback
Dawn has been a pleasure to work with. She is diligent in her efforts to give MicroTrain’s students the best opportunities to connect and network with various companies and players in the job market. The curriculums and certification programs are in line with today’s current IT needs. It’s good to see that they evolve with what employers are most seeking out there. I would recommend to any employer that hires skilled IT workers that they look into MicroTrain’s career services department as a potential source of candidates. The business of hiring can be quite costly, and Dawn and her staff provide a free service to outside companies. This value-add for MicroTrain’s students aligns with their mission in both training and job assistance to set up a win/win scenario for all involved.
Student Employment Success - Project/Process Manager
My Career Services Manager was very friendly and helpful and had excellent follow-up. She seemed to really care how things were going and kept me moving in the right direction. The resources available in job search were great and the visibility that there were jobs out there looking for my skillset was promising. Additionally, the training, as well as having an updated resume stating the Microtrain course work I had taken made me feel more confident and marketable as I looked for employment. It showed that I was dedicated and took project management and process management seriously.
D. Easter
PMP Certification Training, November 2008
Thanks Microtrain for conducting a great PMP course that set me on a successful path to obtain my PMP certification. I have passed the test!
Robert Graf
Microtrain presents the course material in an interesting and concise manner. Microtrain gives the student all the resources necessary to pass the certification exams. Both the Chicago and Lombard facilities were excellent, and the staff goes to any length to accommodate any student changes.
Christopher Fowler
Very thorough, good mix of lecture and lab work. Al is great! Keeps classes interesting and supplements required test material with need-to-know items from real world experience.
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